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Rules Business

1.The customer is out for himself, not for you.

2.Be clever, don't just try to be.

3.If all you do is respond to complaints, that's all you will get to do.

4.Bring out your mind, Stop and Ask.

5.It's fine that Nothing works at times.

6.You can learn from anyone and everyone.

7.Keep your custom website updated or do away with it.

8.Once social, be social, it's a 24/7 act.

9.Don't make your professionals crazy doing A,B and then C. Stick to one.

10.Always have a back-up plan.

11.Write about yourself and optimize your content to reach out.

12.Investment is wasted unless you see cash results.

13.Use advertising cleverly for the right content.

14.You can reach home systems if you are visible on mobiles .

15.Realise and accept that your consumer is the real owner and promoter of your brand.

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