How To Retain Clients and Keep Them Coming Back | Customer Management India

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Simple Humble Ways to Retain Your Clients

Simple Humble Ways to Retain Your Clients

There is no second thought to how important it is to retain your customer and maintain healthy work relations and communication for a desirable business graph. Trust me, whether you are a freelancer, a company owner with  a team of 500 working with you or a business tycoon, client retention simply does matter!Talking of the web industry, with the never ending services, ever developing technologies, varied visions and aspirations of customers, variety of skill sets and experiences of designers and developers and on top of all these, an indefinite difference in the pricing of the same so-called service, client retention is just not so easy.

Having served thousands of clients, individuals, companies, groups of lal industries from all over the globe for services like IoT App development, ecommerce website development, content management system, custom software development, website designing and search engine optimization and digital marketing, we have experienced that with every new client, you have to put resources into winning the client by explaining your service offering, spend time discussing their project to understand and suggest your best solution, and enlighten them on the possibilities of their project within their budget.

Let's talk of some simple humble ways to try

Check your best list -
Usually best work and most of it comes from 25% of clients, the revisiting ones. Have a list of those and focus on them. This certainly doesnt mean you should neglect the others. Your motive should be to shift that 75% to the 25% list. Work your best being sensible enough to sustain providing best solutions to all clients by retaining business from the best set.

Be transparent and honest -
Dont try to trap a client for a single project, it doesnt really work. Share honestly what is in your scope of work and see how best it works out both sides.

Keep in touch -
Always assume the client doesnt remember you. Keep in touch through general messages, greetings, festive wishes or any offers or plans you launch. Everyone has already a lot to remeber than just remebering you. Keep knocking decently. 

Deliver the worth -
When it comes to keeping in touch, remember, delivering a good project adds to this. He will remember you when he needs one again.

Share the company news -
Share your mission, your brand, the changes and news whenever feasible to let the client have a better understanding of you and your company to help him trust you for his money.

Educate your customer -
Keep them updating about whats new in the industry that can be helpful to their business too. Share your knowledge...give ideas.

Don't count just the Cents -
Treat all your clients as an individual and not just any other client with the same requirement. Tailor made solutions as per their taste and respecting their view point gives them the satisfaction and its a win win for you. A pinch of personalisation to a business relation always helps! But make sure you maintain the required siatnce. It's good to ask how was their holiday but do not try to get too friendly or give them the space to call you just any hour of the day any number of times. Respect comes both ways.

Do your homework -
Before a con call or a zoom meet, do all your homework. Don't make the client feel he is getting engaged to a laid back company. Keep details of the project progress, document every communication you have with them, share updates and deliver what you promised, when you promised it. Respect their time and yours too.

Create a frictionless process-
Provide the comfort zone of communicating to your client and let the process be smooth. Be ready to give that little extra, that is not expected but within your reach to include.

Behave responsible -
No one's perfect, mistakes happen but then, they are mistakes and can be rectified. Just be prepared to accept the mistake and rectify them and deliver the best. Don't play the blame game.

Be a good listener -
Lend them an ear to understand best what they expect. Appreciate their responses in time and approvals without fuss and payments made in time of course.

There would always be a set who would try to take advantage of you trying to follow the good path, identify them and tackle them smartly.Keep client feedback in check and do not allow anyone to throw insults on you or your team for what is not justified.

Alongwith retaining your clients, its of utmost importance to retain your great team.Clients are the key and a good team is the pillar to success of a business model. Don't hesitate to let go of such clients else that will have a negative effect on the rest of the projects too and you definitely don't want that, ever.

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